Dinner Menu

Gazpacho | 12

Cold Andalusian Soup

Porrusalda | 12

Clear soup of leek, carrots and potatoes

Sopa de Pescado Larruskain | 14

Clear soup of fish and shellfish with white. Rioja wine Basque-style

Setas al Horno | 14

Oven roasted caps of Shiitake mushrooms with parsley and garlic

Sardinas a la Parrilla con Ensalada | 16

Grilled sardines with mesclun salad and pimenton oil

Ensalada Verde | 10

Mesclun salad with extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar dressing

Gambas en Salsa Verde | 14

Shrimp in a sizzling parsley sauce

Ensalada de Salmon Marinado | 16

Thin slices of dill marinated salmon over mesclun salad with extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar dressing

Ensalada de Navarra | 16

Grilled asparagus, Piquillo peppers, tomatoes, ldiazabal cheese and scallion vinaigrette over mesclun salad

Jamon Iberico | 28

In the Dehesas, an indigenous forest of southwestern Spain, the Iberico pig, a descendent of the wild boar, still wanders free. Popularly known as the Pata Negra, or Black Hoof, it is responsible for the unsurpassed taste and quality of this traditional dry cured ham.

Side Dishes | 9

Tomato Bread – Sautéed Vegetables – Scalloped Potatoes – White Rice

Main Courses
Plato Vegetariano | 28

Assorted sautéed vegetables with broiled Shiitake mushrooms, green asparagus and artichokes

Rape en Salsa Verde | 32

Sautéed monkfish in a parsley and garlic sauce with clams and shrimp

Atun Encebollado | 34

Grilled tuna on scalloped potatoes surrounded by caramelized Spanish onions

Chipirones en su Tinta | 32

Baby squid in a black ink sauce with white rice

Pimientos de Piquillo con
Bacalao | 29

Red Piquillo peppers stuffed with codfish on Salsa Vizcaina

Canelones de Espinacas y
Gambas | 30

Cannelloni of spinach and shrimp with tomato and Béchamel sauce

Pechugas de Pollo al Perez | 29

Filet of chicken in a light sherry sauce with artichoke hearts, Serrano ham, mushrooms and potato puree

Solomillo de Cerdo Adobado | 32

Marinated pork tenderloin with roasted red peppers and potato puree

Chuletitas de Cordero a la
Parilla | 38

Grilled lamb ribs with scalloped potatoes and sautéed vegetables

Solomillo de Buey con Pimientos Asados | 38

Grilled filet mignon with roasted red peppers and crusty fried potatoes

Chuleton de Buey a la
Parrilla | 36

Dry aged grilled Sirloin Steak with sautéed vegetables and crispy fried potatoes

Paellas y Arroces

(Price per person, please allow 25 minutes)

Paella de Mariscos | 30

Paella with squid, shrimp, prawn, clams, monkfish and mussels

Paella de Carne | 30

Paella with chicken, beef and chorizo sausage

Arroz Negro | 30

Black rice with squid paella-style served with alioli

Arroz Confitado | 30

Confit of rice with chorizo sausage, chicken, shrimp, squid, mushrooms and caramelized sofrito